Rights and Accountability

Open Letter from Gaza: Three Years after the Massacre, Justice or Nothing!

The One Democratic State Group in Gaza has issued this statement: We, Palestinians of Gaza, 3 years on from the 22-day long massacre in Israel’s operation ‘Cast Lead’, are calling on international civil society to make 2012 the year when solidarity with us in Palestine captures the spark of the revolutions around the Arab world and never looks back. On this anniversary we demand an international liberation movement that eventually leads to just that, liberation for us Palestinians from 63 years of brutal military occupation and ethnic cleansing that pours shame on any organisation or government claiming to endorse universal human rights. 

Veolia tries to sugar-coat its complicity in Israeli violations of international law

Veolia is involved in several Israeli projects in the occupied West Bank in violation of international law. Veolia tries to sugar-coat its complicity in Israeli violations of international law by offering a pittance to the Palestinian villagers of Jiftlik in the Jordan Valley. The company has placed three refuse containers there for free waste collection. 

Statement in solidarity with Razan Ghazzawi

This is a statement by Palestinian bloggers and activists supporting all political prisoners of the Syrian Revolution, it reads: We, a group of Palestinian bloggers and activists raise our voices loud and clear in solidarity with all the prisoners of the Great Syrian Revolution. We stand with all the prisoners, activists, artists, bloggers and others, all who are shouting in the streets or on various platforms demanding freedom and justice, while decrying the huge amount on injustice and oppression practiced by the Syrian regime for more than four decades. 

Appeal denied in Holy Land Five case

After oral arguments for an appeal began several months ago, the Fifth Circuit Court decides to uphold the convictions of Muslim charity workers under the auspices of the draconian Patriot Act and invoking its “material support” clause to criminalize humanitarian aid to Palestinians under Israeli occupation. 


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