Jalal Abukhater

Khader Adnan, a Globally Trending Topic on Twitter

Yesterday, I published a piece in Al-Akhbar English about the twitter campaign to get more people to learn about and support khader Adnan’s hunger strike. Last night, hashtag #HungerStrikingfor65days was the strongest hashtag yet, thousands tweeted using that hashtag and it remained #1 globally trending topic for over an hour. Twitter has got millions of people to pay attention to Khader Adnan’s case online.  Read my piece below for more on this virtual protest. 

Khader Adnan, Dying to Live

This evening, twitter users saw it extremely necessary to raise more awareness on the deteriorating conditions of Khader Adnan, the hero of the battle of empty stomachs. Twitter users chose the hashtag #Dying2Live for this purpose, they succeeded in getting the hashtag to be on the top ten global trending topics for a short while. This blog will be solely narrated by some of those twitter users: 

Israeli army harasses press crew, beats a B’Tselem female volunteer, and lies to foreign media

Yesterday was another violent Friday in the village of Nabi Saleh as the weekly protests against settlement expansion continues. As always, the demonstration was met with tear gas, disgusting skunk chemicals and rubber-coated metal bullets. Disregarding cases of suffocation, 20 injuries were reported. 

A salute to the revolution

I cannot believe it has been a year already, a year since the light of justice shined and revolution swept throughout the Arab world all the way from the Maghreb through the Fertile Crescent to the Arabian Peninsula. Tomorrow marks the first anniversary for the start of the Egyptian uprising which succeeded in toppling Hosni Mubarak’s 30 years rule on February 11th the same year, yet the revolution is not done. The streets of the Arab world haven’t settled down, and not for one minute. The people are holding on to their demand for justice and dignified living.