Linah Alsaafin’s blog

Thaer Halahleh's letter to his daughter: "My Beloved Lamar...Forgive me"

On his 75th day of hunger strike, Thaer Halahleh sends a heartbreaking message to his 2 year old daughter Lamar: “Lamar my love: I know that you are not to be blamed and that you don’t yet understand why your father is going through this battle of the hunger strike for the 75th day, but when you grow up you will understand that the battle of freedom is the battle of going back to you.” 

Barefaced Hasbara: Tufts “Friends of Israel” exploit name of Palestinian writer to brownwash the Nakba

Tufts “Friends of Israel” falsely claimed that among the speakers in the week-long celebration of Israel’s “independence” would be Palestinian author and journalist Sayed Kashua, known for his satirical sitcom “Arab Labor”. 

Linah Alsaafin's picture

22 years old, from both Gaza and the West Bank. Writer and editor based in Ramallah. 

Twitter: @LinahAlsaafin