Lobby Watch

Hollywood actors to visit Israel on a trip co-sponsored by AIPAC

Hollywood actors and industry executives are due to take part in an Israeli propaganda delegation this week, as the Israeli government and US lobbies continue to attempt to stifle the arts and culture boycott against Israeli apartheid. 

Bill in Congress seeks to investigate US Boat to Gaza for "terrorist" ties

A bill introduced in the United States Congress last month would require the State Department to investigate “The sources of any logistical, technical, or financial support for the Gaza flotilla ships, including the Audacity of Hope, that were set to set sail from Greece on July 1, 2011.” 

Olympia Food Co-op fights back against Israel-backed anti-boycott lawsuit

The Olympia Food Co-op (OFC) is fighting back against an Israel-backed lawsuit aimed at forcing it to end its boycott of Israeli goods. Lawyers from the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) and Davis Wright Tremaine LLP, acting on behalf of the OFC, today filed a motion to dismiss the suit on the grounds that it violates a Washington state law to prevent use of the courts to silence free speech and public participation. 

UK anti-Semitism charity CST still spreading Israeli disinformation about Raed Salah

Since last week’s First Tier Tribunal ruling against Raed Salah’s appeal against deportation from the UK, Zionist ideologues have been gloating. But in fact the judgment (now released online) clears Salah of the central government accusation against him: that he wrote an anti-Semitic poem containing the line: “You Jews are criminal bombers of mosques”. This “poem” was fabricated in the context of a long-standing Israeli campaign of attacks, detentions and disinformation against Salah. The following is my analysis of the judgment. 

US Zionists sharply divided over how to censor Palestine speech on campus

Sharp disagreements have intensified among leading US pro-Israel groups on the best methods to suppress criticism and discussion of Israel’s apartheid, occupation, colonization and human rights abuses, or support for Palestinian rights, on US college campuses. The dispute centers on the use of US civil rights statutes to lodge complaints against universities, alleging that discussion of Israel amounts to an infringement of the civil rights of Jewish students who might be made “uncomfortable” by hearing such discussions. 


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